Savable Presets for Viewport Lighting

2 votes

The title really says it all, but I'll give a little background. One of the Example Worlds that came with the Artist Point preview really caught my attention and upon investigation I discovered how to customize Viewport lighting. I then realized that I had not been able to save my original settings, which forced me to quit without saving and revert to an earlier version of my .tmd to recover from my experiments with dramatic lighting. I love having the option, but what works for one scene does not work so well for another, so a little experimentation is always a good idea, assuming you can save options along the way so you can recover from bad results sure to come with free experimentation. Please put this amazing power into our hands!


Done 'Artist Point' Release Suggested by: David Roberson Upvoted: 01 Nov, '21 Comments: 0

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