Render All Tiles for specific devices during Tiled Builds

3 votes

Certain devices, like blur, would greatly benefit from the option of being able to render all tiles at once, for each tile, during tiled builds - especially if you can configure the device to render at lower resolution.

The main issue with tiled builds is their inability to get information from far away tiles. Fast and simple operations are often used to create rough shapes for the landscape early on, but the existence of these devices can be excluded from tiled build due to the device not being located in the tile. This often results in tiled build results that are dramatically different than expected, with no warning or indication as to why.

By allowing devices to render all tiles at once at whatever resolution the hardware can support, it dramatically increases compatibility of devices with tiled builds. At the very least, a low resolution snapshot of the entire map would allow the devices on each tile to use rough data from outside their tiles, improving predictability.

Under consideration Suggested by: Luke Upvoted: 20 Aug, '23 Comments: 0

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