UI/UX suggestion for range (and spatial) parameters.

2 votes

Right now, I think range parameters are a bit tedious to work with. It is not possible to move the whole range at once, instead, you must slide both ends separately. Then, it is also not possible to easily decrease the range's range (confusing language, sorry). If I want it to select 50% instead of 25%, again, I must move both ends separately.

I therefore suggest the two following manipulation abilities:
1. Left click in the "selected" part of the slider (the blue part) allows you to move the slider as a whole.
2. With the cursor hovering on the "selected" part, you can increase or decrease the range symmetrically by scrolling the mouse wheel.

Not planned Suggested by: Hylke Upvoted: 24 Oct, '22 Comments: 2

Comments: 2