Layout View customisable grid overlay

2 votes

In previous versions of WM we had a grid system to our availability in the Layout View. In WM 4, this sadly has been removed (except for the area outside of the extent), so I wondered, instead of just "re-enabling" this feature, why not improve it?

Being able to change the dimension/spacing of the grid
a) Arbitrary spacing
b) A multiple (or factor) of the extents width/height (f.e. each grid tile being width/n)

Have the grid have the same aspect ratio as the extent.

Support for orders of grid lines (f.e. 4 Km, 2 Km, and 500m spaced) with customisable varying thickness, opacity, colour and being dashed or not (see image for a quick example).

It would be sweet if the origin of the grid could be
a) Snapped to the origin of the extent.
b) Snapped to any of the corners of the extent.
c) Be freely placed wherever we like.

Under consideration Suggested by: Hylke Upvoted: 06 Nov, '22 Comments: 1

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